Back to the list FX Lib version: 1.2
Windows Type: UserLIB/DLL Genre: - Language: -
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[b]FX Lib v.1.2[/b][/url]

You want to write a game and have problems with some effects, the stars scrolling doesn?t run correctly, the graphics font can?t be displayed correctly??!

For this situations you can now use this lib, with it you can easily write gfx fonts, scroll stars, fade in screens, etc. with only some commands...

The Userlib works now with PB 4.20

There are 180 commands for following areas...

2D Stars:
You can now initialize unlimited pixel stars on up to 10 levels, ink them and let them fly with unlimited speed in every angle.

2D Sprite Stars:
The same applies to the sprite stars, here it?s possible to give each level it?s own sprite star by using a sprite image.

Writing Graphics Text:
Simply load a gfx font and write it arbitrary centered, left-aligned or right-aligned on the screen.

Scrolling Graphics Text:
Simply create a running text with the loaded font and the text runs standalone
at an arbitrary position over the screen.

Scrolling Sinus Text:
Write this running text in sinus form on the screen, which means the text is moving in waves over the screen.

From a choice out of 1000 colors a plasma is made in arbitrary measures.

Grid bars:
With one command you can create grid bars, which can displayed hoping or vibrating on the screen.

3D Stars field:
E.g. the stars fly towards the user or away from him. The angle the stars fly can be defined more by 3 axes.

Sprite star field:
The same is true again for the sprite version, while transparency degree and size can also provided here.

Fade-in the screen :
Allows fine fade-in or fade-out of the screen in an arbitrary color, also limited to a specified screen area.

Vector balls:
The displaying of 3D objects consisting of balls. An effect, which is well-known from the Amiga. Simply create your objects via NotePad, load and display them!
Attention - NEW: Animated Vector Bobs since v1.2

Display FPS:
Returns a FPS (frames per second) value. It will only be given, how often the picture can be built up in a second.

Save a screenshot with one command!

Everyone who still has wishes or ideas for the lib or additional effects, is welcome to mention them to me. I will then try to implement them, if I am able for it. I still plan a couple of things anyway, the lib should go one step more into the direction of the game coding and I have also a couple of Oldskool effects in stock. Who like translating the Help file, can download it Http://, please send me the translation then.
[918 KB]    (2858 Downloads)

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22:45:41 2005-09-28
Damit kommt sogar ein Grafik Laie wie ich klar, Top

19:34:14 2005-12-09
@epyx ...jap , das ding wars =) =) =)

14:28:43 2005-12-18
spitze, ich bin begeistert ! daf?r gabs 10 sterne von mir ;)

Parnos Dias van Bost
03:27:33 2006-08-13
Hi Epyx,

bin beim Testen der Amiga-Grafiken gerade 10 Jahre juenger geworden.

Dafuer 20 Punkte auf de Hand.


Parnos Dias van Boston

18:31:30 2008-10-07
Da mich sehr viele eMails bez?glich der Lib mit PB 4.20 erreichten habe ich diese mal nach wieder einem Jahr PB Abstinenz angepasst. Auch wenn?s bisserl umst?ndlich ist das bei jeder neuen PB version wieder mal ?nderungen in der Syntax anzupassen sind und alte Sources nicht mehr laufen.

15:32:13 2007-07-11
Wartungstag ist Coding Tag, deshalb und weil mich so viele Leute danach gefragt haben, habe ich die Lib mal auf PB 4.x angepasst.
Leider scheint TailBite noch nen Bug mit TB_DebugError(" Fehlermeldungen ") zu haben, so das er bei mir statt eines Textes eine Alphanummerische Angabe erwartete.

Deshalb wird die Lib sehr wahrscheinlich bei Angabe eines falschen Wertes keine Meldung von sich geben und das Programm kommentarlos beenden.

Naja trotzdem sollte alles so funktionieren wie vorher, zumindest gab es keine Probleme bei meinen Test?s