

Result = PanelGadget3D(#Gadget3D, x, y, Width, Height)
Creates a panel gadget in the current GadgetList. Once a panel is created, its list of panels is empty.


#Gadget3D A number to identify the new 3D gadget. #PB_Any can be used to auto-generate this number.
x, y, Width, Height The position and dimensions of the new gadget.

Return value

Nonzero on success, zero otherwise. If #PB_Any was used as the #Gadget3D parameter then the return-value is the auto-generated gadget number on success.


To add a 'mini help' to this gadget, use GadgetToolTip3D().

The following functions can be used to act on the gadget:

- AddGadgetItem3D(): Add a panel.
- RemoveGadgetItem3D(): Remove a panel.
- CountGadgetItems3D(): Count the number of panels.
- ClearGadgetItems3D(): Remove all panels.
- GetGadgetItemText3D(): Retrieve the text of the specified item.
- SetGadgetItemText3D(): Change the text of the specified item.

- SetGadgetState3D(): Change the active panel.
- GetGadgetState3D(): Get the index of the current panel.
- GetGadgetAttribute3D(): With one of the following attributes: (there must be at least 1 item for this to work)
  #PB_Panel3D_ItemWidth : Returns the width of the inner area where the gadgets are displayed.
  #PB_Panel3D_ItemHeight: Returns the height of the inner area where the gadgets are displayed.
  #PB_Panel3D_TabHeight : Returns height of the panel tabs on top of the gadget.
You must call AddGadgetItem3D() to add a panel before you can create other gadgets inside the panel gadget. The next gadgets will then be created automatically in the new panel. This is very convenient. When the PanelGadget item has been filled with all the needed gadgets, CloseGadgetList3D() must be called to return to the previous GadgetList. This means that a PanelGadget can be created inside another PanelGadget.

Supported OS


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